Multiple-part handwritten forms are difficult to read. Information is often impossible to interpret on the top sheet and it only gets worse down the stack. BusConduct provides typewritten information that can pass through an approval process if requried. Information is automatically historically recorded for easy access with previous referrals automatically indexed to the most recent event.

Paper referrals require manual delivery as they are passed from teacher, to school adminstrator and wherever they may go from there. Paperwork gets lost or buried and it's impossible to know where each referral in the process. BusConduct provides instant notifications via email, and secure, controlled access with automatic documentation at each step in the process.

Baked-in role-based security insures each team member has assess to the information they need while protecting sensitive data; e.g. drivers see only the referrals in which they are referenced as the driver, not the entire district. User level security allows for individual adjustments to the four main roles; drivers, school administrators, transportation administrators and system administrators.
Our Philosophy
We frequently request feedback from our customers, and what we hear most often -- and enthusiastically -- is how easy our products are to learn and use. When BusConduct is shown to technologically-shy drivers with no experience using computer-based applications, we're told they can usually enter a BusConduct referral with little or no training.
We'll always keep ease of use as a top priority, while continuing to implement new feature requests -- including richer reporting and customization options. While ConductSuites' focus remains student behavior management, the applications are almost infinitely customizable to track a variety of student, staff, or other types of incidents.
Brett Bohanon (President)
ConductSuite exists to make school districts' lives easier; we often hear customers say they couldn't imagine doing their jobs without it! BusConduct was our first Software as a Service (SaaS) product, originally developed in 1999. Eighteen years later the application has matured with input from hundreds of school districts contributing ideas for reports and functionality. Custom workflows and fields add high flexibility to meet district-specific needs.
Due to customer demand, we've expanded ConductSuite to include BusSeatingChart, a visual seating chart application and classroom-based ClassConduct. In our 26 years, we've rarely lost a customer, and never due to dissatisfaction with the application.
We want to earn your business, and invite you to call or email for a no-pressure, personal demonstration and price quote.